分行信息,包括大堂和驾车时间,可以在 beat365体育亚洲官网在线.
这是简单和快速更新和验证您的信息. Follow these simple instructions for 网上银行 (desktop) or Mobile App (iOS or Android).
1. 登录手机App
2. 前往更多
3. 去找其他人
4. 进入设置
5. 转到联系人
6. 添加或更新您的电话号码,电子邮件地址和偏好
7. Confirm your 电话 number by answering the security questions or entering a code from your email
1. 登录手机App
2. 转到汉堡包菜单(左上角有三行)
3. 进入设置
4. 转到联系人
5. 添加或更新您的电话号码,电子邮件地址和偏好
6. Confirm your 电话 number by answering the security questions or entering a code from your email
1. 登录网上银行
2. 转到设置(右上方)
3. 转到联系人
4. 添加或更新您的电话号码,电子邮件地址和偏好
5. Confirm your 电话 number by answering the security questions or entering a code from your email
如果你有一个活跃的支票账户或贷款,你将每月收到对账单. 否则,您将收到季度报表. 报表周期从每月的第一天到每月的最后一天. 如果你 登记电子结单,当你的电子结算单可用时,你会收到一封电子邮件.
你可以透过点击 edoc 网上银行的小工具.
一旦你注册了电子报表, 你的电子结单资料库会储存过去24个月的电子结单.
是的. 中华总工会有两种不同的透支方式:
我们还提供30美元的宽限期. That means no fees for debit card transactions if your overdrawn balance is less than $30.2
如果你有电子支付, withdrawals or deposits being made to your account from a merchant or other financial institution (like payroll deposits or utility bill payments), notify that merchant or institution of your account number and ACFCU’s ABA routing number: 256078404.
You can transfer between your ACFCU account and external accounts for free (subject to a fee for insufficient funds) by following these easy steps:
1. 你需要:
2. 按照我们的指示一步一步地进行 ACH发起设置指南.
是的, 把钱汇到你的中华总工会账户, 只需向其他机构提供以下指示:
用户名必须由数字和字母组成,长度在8到15个字符之间. 旧用户名不能重复使用.
你可浏览我们的 隐私政策 随时在线.
当可适用, fees are assessed throughout the month and will appear on your regular monthly statement. 查看我们的 个人的, 365体育投注英超联赛欧冠 or 业务ss 费用表.
不,我们不会因为你提前还清贷款而惩罚你. If we paid any fees on your behalf for closing the loan or provided a cash back incentive, those amounts must be paid back if you close your loan within 36 months of opening the loan. 所欠的金额将包括在您的贷款偿还金额.*
Eligible to start accumulating transactions right away (right after checking account has been opened or converted from a basic checking) and the rewards are applied to the account at the end of the month. If the checking account is closed before the end of the month,然后 the reward is not applied. Member can use the rewards check-in widget in OLB and 手机应用程序 to track their progress.
免费奖励检查无. 如果不符合要求,基本检查可能会被评估快递费.
现有会员:可亲自到分行、网上或电话开通 703.526.0080 x4.
你一定是个 中华总工会会员或有资格成为会员 在发放任何贷款之前,你必须先取得会员资格.
We offer personal loans from $1,000 to $50,000, subject to credit and income qualifications.
什么都可以! Personal loans are great for consolidating debts or financing a household expenses at a lower interest rate than a credit card.
Once your application is approved and any supporting documents (such as verification of your income, (如有需要), you can sign your loan documents electronically and have the funds in a matter of hours.
Personal loans do not require collateral; however, 如果你有抵押品, 就像一辆付清了钱的车, 你可以用你的抵押品以较低的利率获得更大的贷款.
是的! 欢迎您在任何时候支付更多或额外的款项. There is no penalty for paying early and you’ll save money in interest over the life of the loan. 只要记住,你必须按时付款, 即使你之前付了更多的钱.
是的, we offer convenient and affordable payment protection options that protect you and your loved ones in the event of disability or death of a covered borrower.
申请新的抵押贷款或为你目前的贷款再融资? 参考这个方便 按揭申请核对表 找出你需要什么表格来保持这个过程.
不知道你的摊还和你的放弃? 不用担心! 我们的 按揭条款词汇 将分解你需要知道的一切,并帮助你听起来像一个专业人士.
我们已经编译了 申请抵押贷款的十大建议 帮助你成为一个强大的申请人,这样你就可以资助你的梦想家园.
购买或再融资房屋可能会让人感到不知所措和困惑,但我们的 指引你了解按揭程序,它不一定是.
准备完成您的房屋净值贷款申请,请勾选我们的 房屋净值申请清单.
请求从属关系很简单,请按照下面的步骤 从属协议说明.
得到快速的答案,所有您最紧迫的房屋净值问题在我们的 常见问题:付款及报表 指南.
Understanding how to access your home equity line of credit has never been easier with our 常见问题:获取信贷额度 指南.
是的! 精明的钱是一个免费的服务,可在网上银行和手机.
No! Checking credit scores on Credit Score is a “soft inquiry” that does not affect credit score.
Please note that Vantage Score and FICO scores may be different and may result in different credit tiers/rates.
报名时,您必须先登录我们的安全网上银行或移动平台. 您的信用信息永远不会与第三方共享.
是的. 三大信用报告机构——equifax, 益百利, 和transunion——以及两种评分模型——fico或vantagescore——决定信用评分. 金融机构/贷方使用不同的机构,以及评分模型. 在计算分数时,信用报告中的200多个因素可能会被考虑在内, 而且每个模型对信用因素的权衡可能不同. 因此,没有评分模型是完全相同的,但方向应该相似.
精明的钱 is a credit monitoring tool we provide to you at no cost to learn more about how your financial decisions impact your credit score. You can expect your score to be different because we consider additional credit factors in your loan application that are not available in this tool that may result in a different score.
像精明的钱这样的信用监控工具使用了Vantage Score 3这样的评分模型.0显示您的信用详细信息. There are additional credit factors we consider when reviewing your loan application by using a FICO scoring model. 使用不同的评分模型是你看到你的分数不同的原因.
没有评分模型是相同的,但方向是相同的. 如果你的分数上升基于你的信用活动在精明的钱, 你可能会看到我们在贷款申请中的分数也会增加.
如果你在信用报告中发现不正确的信息, contact the company that issued the account or the credit reporting company that issued the report.
There is also more information on how to resolve these types of issues in the FAQ section under Resources.
是的! 在信用报告页面,点击右上角的“下载报告”.
如果您超过120天没有登录网上银行或手机银行, 你的理财能力将变得不活跃, 你将被除名. To re-enroll, follow the normal enrollment procedures to regain access to your profile information.
是的. 在资源选项卡上, 选择“个人资料设置”, 滚动到最底部,选择“停用信用评分帐户”.” Once unenrolled, you can choose to reenroll at any time through 在线 or mobile banking.
是的. 您可以通过导航到资源选项卡来管理电子邮件通知, 选择“个人资料设置”, 并在电子邮件通知下更改他们的偏好. 您还可以在收到的电子邮件底部更改订阅设置.
精明的钱将回答有关信用评分和他们的网站的一般问题. 任何具体的信用社问题将被重新定向到我们的数字银行团队.
不,那张主信用卡是用来存放资金的. 要进行转账,您必须进入转账屏幕, select the credit card as the “From” account and then select a share for the “To” account.
The 业务ss Cardholder has an assigned credit card given to them by the 业务ss Administrator. 他们不能要求增加额度,也不能报失或被盗等. 任何赡养费要求必须由担保人提交. 如果您是担保人,请致电800-637-7728联系持卡人服务.
只有担保人可以提出争议. 他们需要联系持卡人服务部800-637-7728.
只有担保人才能提出欺诈索赔. 他们需要联系持卡人服务部800-637-7728.
在25号th 下个月.
1. 从你的电脑上登录你的网上银行账户,然后进入 ”小部件
2. 点击 概述
3. 点击 订阅设置
4. 点击 齿轮
5. Select 订阅!
在您的在线视图中,您只能看到您的交易. The 业务ss Administrator has access to view all of the transaction history and balances for all cardholders.
作为一家提供全方位服务的信用合作社, 我们是一个由像你一样的成员组成的合作社,大家聚在一起知道这一点, 我们都能在理财之旅中受益.
We’re here to help our members—and neighbors—meet their financial goals and live their best lives.
We think there’s nothing more rewarding than serving our members—and believe one good turn deserves another.
We not only meet your financial needs, we commit to being a good neighbor and serving with integrity.